Medicaid Managed Care

Next Generation Medicaid Managed Care Plans

  • AmeriHealth Caritas Ohio, Inc.
  • Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield
  • Buckeye Health Plan
  • CareSource
  • Humana HealthCare of Ohio, Inc.
  • Molina HealthCare of Ohio, Inc.
  • UnitedHealthcare Community Plan


Members can call the Medicaid Consumer Hotline at (800) 324-8680 with additional questions about the next generation managed care plan options available.

To make a next generation plan selection, Ohio Medicaid members can either visit the Ohio Medicaid Consumer Hotline Portal at or contact the Ohio Medicaid Consumer Hotline at (800)324-8680.

Medicaid participants still can choose to enroll into one of the new plan options now but they will remain on their current health plan until the end of the year when the switch occurs.

Timeline for choosing a next generation managed care plan

Ohio Medicaid managed care members can select a next generation plan at any time from March 1, through November 30. The state is shifting to a phased approach.

The rollout will be in three stages. On July 1, 2022, OhioRISE will launch. This program treats children with complex behavioral health and mental problems.

Current Ohio Medicaid managed care members with Buckeye, CareSouce, Molina, or United Health  -Care – Current Ohio Medicaid managed care members who do not select a plan – to either move to a new plan or stay with their current plan – will remain with their current plan.

Ohio Medicaid members currently receiving healthcare benefits through Paramount Advantage will continue to receive healthcare benefits through that plan unless a member chooses another plan by October 1st. Current Paramount members can select a different plan at any time during the member transition and enrollment period.

Members can select a different plan at any time through November 30.

Newborns and case additions will continue to be added to a plan as they become Medicaid eligible.

Call Medworks Navigation Team today at 216-231-5350,
e-mail, or click HERE for more information.

Click each of the images below to view eligibility criteria in full size: